
Twin Falls Temple

Twin Falls Temple

Sunday, June 15, 2008

My life right now!!!!

Wow so things have been changing so much just recently. So I've known this guy named Keegan for about 5 years. We've just recently started talking again after a year of not having each others number. Well we're talking pretty serious like marriage and stuff!!!! It's kind of crazy how it's all worked out. Because before we even started talking I had been planning on going on a mission for my church for 18 months! Well I talked to my bishop and he suggested that it would be better for me to get married now. I was shocked and sad for a minute, but the thought of getting married excited me!!!! I've always wanted a family since I can remember! I feel that Keegan has been prepared for me and he is so perfect for me! We have a lot of the same interests like we both like to DANCE, read, watch movies, listen to music, be outdoors, but also like to be homebodies! It's great and I'm so excited because he's coming to see me in a few days for my sisters wedding!!!! We both can't wait to see each other!



Us at Shoshone falls

Us at Shoshone falls

Idaho Trip

August 12, 2008 I drove up to Idaho to see my boyfriend! We had so much fun. We went to the Twin Falls Temple open house and we went to the dedication! We went to Shoshone Falls, one of God's beautiful creations! August 17, 2008 I told Keegan I love him! We went to a shooting range with his mom and her fiance. I did pretty awesome for never shooting a gun before! We saw Kung Fu Panda twice almost thrice....hehe... We went to the Fair with his dad, Marsha and sisters and that went pretty good. We all loosened up and started joking was cool. There were some hard times but we helped each other through it. Then Sunday August 24, 2008 I left for California! ....we will see each other soon! In 3 weeks to be exact for Kara's baby shower!!!!

Love is in the air!!!!

Love is in the air!!!!



He loves me too!

He loves me too!

Our first household item

Our first household item

Look what I did! HEHE

Look what I did! HEHE