
Twin Falls Temple

Twin Falls Temple

Friday, July 25, 2008


Well it's been a while since i've posted anything. Life has been crazy but it's getting better and better! Well Lyndsie is married and settled in Ohio. She's having fun and getting to know more people. SHe had a job interview on Thursday and I have yet to find out how it went. .......Well now about I have a boyfriend and his name is Keegan!! Yeah he's the guy that came down for my sister's wedding. Well we're still talking pretty serious but there's one thing we haven't said....can you guess?...I love you!!! Wow that's crazy!! LOL well I've been praying a lot about if Keegan is the right one for me. I've been reading Ensign articles, the scriptures and watching videos that talk about relationships and this is what I have gotten from it...THERE IS NO RIGHT ONE!!!! It all comes down to this...if you feel that you can get along and have a partnership then that is someone to pursue. I feel that Keegan and I will make a great partnership! As long as I continue to be the best person not only for me, but for him as well, and he does the same then we can live happily together!!!! So far so good. He is changing so much for me I have very high standards and when I tell him what I am doing to improve my life he will say, "Well that is something I will have to work on too!" .....that right there impresses me and makes me think that he really wants to be with me:) ......well until next time!!!! :)



Us at Shoshone falls

Us at Shoshone falls

Idaho Trip

August 12, 2008 I drove up to Idaho to see my boyfriend! We had so much fun. We went to the Twin Falls Temple open house and we went to the dedication! We went to Shoshone Falls, one of God's beautiful creations! August 17, 2008 I told Keegan I love him! We went to a shooting range with his mom and her fiance. I did pretty awesome for never shooting a gun before! We saw Kung Fu Panda twice almost thrice....hehe... We went to the Fair with his dad, Marsha and sisters and that went pretty good. We all loosened up and started joking was cool. There were some hard times but we helped each other through it. Then Sunday August 24, 2008 I left for California! ....we will see each other soon! In 3 weeks to be exact for Kara's baby shower!!!!

Love is in the air!!!!

Love is in the air!!!!



He loves me too!

He loves me too!

Our first household item

Our first household item

Look what I did! HEHE

Look what I did! HEHE